A symphonic tiger pounces on Mons 2015
Mons 2015
in Mons
European Contemporary Orchestra (ECO)
To this day, ECO is the only European orchestra that is entirely dedicated to contemporary creation.
Since 2011, its thirty-three musicians, spurred on by conductors Raoul Lay (Télémaque/Marseille) and Jean-Paul Dessy (Musiques Nouvelles/Mons), add their dynamism to the composers’ imagination and welcome the young Romanian (Icon Arts Academy) and Italian (AFAM) instrumentalists.Programme: creations by Jean-Luc Fafchamps, Bernard Cavanna and Ivan Fedele, amongst the pieces created in 2012 by Benoît Chantry, Karl Fiorini and François Narboni.
A joint production of manège.mons / Musiques Nouvelles - Télémaque - Icon Arts - AFAM - Bozar - Flagey - Mons 2015 Foundation.
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Standard rate - adult full price11 €