Michael Clark Company
“Ailleurs en Folie” festival
Mons 2015
Event, festivity
in Maubeuge
Animal / Vegetable / Mineral
A renowned choreographer, nothing if not avant-garde, Michael Clark has the ability to combine his classical training with a personal and very contemporary vision of dance.
18.00 at the Maison Folie, where you will be met by Mavis Davis and the Tabards who will accompany you to Maubeuge!
Ambiance guaranteed!
Bus leaves from the Maison Folie at 19:00. Returning at 22:00.Commission: Barbican, London / Coproduction: Barbican, London, Michael Clark Company, Maison des Arts de Créteil, Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg, Tramway, Glasgow / Public support by the Arts Council, England
Base rate11 €
Reduce rate8 €